Saturday, 18 January 2014

Update 1.1

Update for the Week

Well, it's Saturday so that means no screenshot today :( In the meantime however i would like to discuss how this is giong to work

It will be layed out as a comic
Screenshots for character dialgoue will be taken
Screenshots for menus will be taken
Screenshots for FMV will be slightly taken

FMV screenshots will be translated from the audio and will thus take longer to do. Purpose with these is not to take a frame by frame but to only include noteworthy pieces. Dialgoue  will be translated and inserted to look like bubble speech and such

names are being directly taken from teh wikipedia page
Menus will only be translated once and will appear in a seperate section. Menus will only be retranslated if new information arrises.

Walking about scenes will work the same as the FMVs
Boss fights will be a combination of the technique used for translating the fmvs and the regular screenshots

This is not a frame by frame translation. It is only relevant information translated and styled in order to be able to read this as a comic

The purpose of this is not to translate the whole game into english, but instead to teach you how to play the game and understand it in it's origional language.

Translation is inferred, applied and logically sound according to English Grammar. As such certain things will not be direct translations while others are.

Look for the Conclusion to Chapter 1.1 sometime before MOnday :) and please support this project by lettting me know how i am doing

I am specifically interested in

How can i translate this better
What tools should i be using instead of the ones i am currently using
Yes, i would like to assist you in your effort.

If all goes well the completed project will be the complete story of the game in comic book format. Purpose here, again is to not take away from the origional game but rather provide you with a companion novel as you play.

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