Friday 17 January 2014

The Translation project for this game has been long dead, and i wanted to play it so bad. So... after spending 6 years listening to music, reading manga and watching fansubs to learn japanese, I decided to put my focus on video games. That is where this came from.

Digimon Adventure PSP The Comic is a comic book/companion novel/learner meant to assist you as you play the origional Digimon Adventure PSP JP on either your emulator or PSP.

It is not a translation of the game. As such only screen shots either deemed necessary to teach  you japanese , follow the plot of the comic or otherwise explain what is going on in the game are the only ones translated.

At this point i am making about 5 pages a day with no idea how long this is going to take.
I would appreciate everyone's support in this as well as their feedback and comments on the overall content.
And remember, this is  a comic meant to assist in playing the game/understanding the game, it may also have the added side effect of teaching you japanese as well :)


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